There are several ways you can contribute to World Missions. Some of those options are listed below. Contributions are made with the understanding that AFLC World Missions has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. If AFLC World Missions cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.
If you have questions please feel free to contact us: 763-412-2013 or
Mark your gift to World Missions and mail it to:
AFLC World Missions
3110 E Medicine Lake Blvd
Plymouth MN 55441
If you would like to give to a specific missionary, write the check to World Missions and mail it to:
[Missionary Name]
c/o AFLC World Missions
3110 E Medicine Lake Blvd
Plymouth MN 55441
Giving through your home AFLC congregation is very handy for many people. You can give through your church and the church will forward your gift to us. If a congregation has questions, please contact us: 763-412-2013 or
Please visit our ONLINE GIVING page for details.
It is possible to give to AFLC World Missions through automatic withdrawals from your bank account. Automated giving takes the work out of giving on a regular basis as the donation is automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account once a month.
The easiest way to set this up is on our ONLINE GIVING page, but if you are not able to fill out your information online, you may print THIS FORM, fill it out, and mail it to AFLC World Missions (address on the form).
Eligible members are given Choice Dollars, based on insurance premiums, contract values and Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership. Choice Dollars can be directed to Lutheran organizations you prefer nationwide, including your local Lutheran congregation. If you are eligible to direct Choice Dollars, you will receive a letter in the mail at the point you become eligible. If you are unsure of your eligibility, review the eligibility requirements, login or register to view your eligibility and Choice Dollars.
Use their website to designate where your choice dollars to go:
Click here to be redirected to Thrivent's Choice Dollars info.
It will take you to the Choice Dollars Detail Page. On that page, use the following specifications to search.
- Organization name: Association of Free Lutheran Congregations World Mission Cor
- City/State: Plymouth, MN (typing Minneapolis, MN does not work)
- Organization type: Other Lutheran Organization
Also on that page is a section that states: “If you wish to direct Choice Dollars designated to you, use the Choice Dollars Search page”. When you choose that link, you will be asked to log in using your ID and Password to make your selection.
If you would like your gift designated to a project or Missionary personal support within AFLC World Missions, please send us a follow-up email stating your wishes otherwise the gift will go to AFLC World Missions.
Many people want to continue spreading the Gospel around the world even after they die. This can be done by listing AFLC World Missions as the beneficiary on your will, life insurance or annuity. Gifts from estates have been a great blessing to our worldwide work throughout the years.
Have you been thinking about contributing to the work of World Missions but don’t know where to designate your gift? This will be a helpful guide. World Missions has three separate funds:
All of our work on the fields, as well as our administrative expenses in the US come from this fund. Ministries supported from this fund would include:
- National Church work in Brazil, India & Mexico
- Miriam Home
- Bible School and Seminary in Brazil
- Pastoral funding in India
- Administrative costs in the US
Personal Support
Support for our missionaries comes from this fund. Missionaries are required to raise their own personal support through commitments and regular monthly giving. When you designate your gift to a particular missionary you are funding their:
- Salary
- Housing
- Medical & Pension
- All other expenses
Special Projects
Special projects would include any non-budgeted projects needed on the mission field. This could be anything from food and relief to church buildings. A list of approved special projects can be found on our website. Special Projects are exciting to give to, and easy to raise funds for, but do not contribute to the day to day expenses needed for ministry on the field.