AILLB (AFLC of Brazil)
- National Leadership Conference $3,000
- DRELL Translation $3,500 - Received $1,500 Remaining $2,000
- DRELL Discipleship Fund $5,000 - Received $1,675.50 Remaining $3,324.50
- Campo Grande Van Project $15,000
- Jardim Esperance (Garden of Hope) – Rebuild Church $20,000 Received $250 Remaining $19,750
- Cohapar Church (Reconstruction) Campo Mourão $50,000
- ARCA Van motor repairs $5,000 - Received $4,000 Remaining $1,000
SETELL (Bible School and Seminary)
- SETELL Summer Teams $6,000
- SETELL Parking Lot (Seminary chapel area) $12,500
Miriam Home
- Follow Them Home - Project for churches to help those leaving the Miriam Home $3,000 - Received $1,601.05 Remaining $1,398.95
- Camps and VBS Fund $500 - Complete
- Easter and Christmas Celebrations $1,500
- Miriam Home Building Addition (Adm & Ed Areas) $30,000 - Received $6,458.43 Remaining $23,541.57
Ongoing projects (as received)- Seminary Scholarships, Student Work Fund, ARCA (including Camp Scholarships and Social Projects), Miriam Home.